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E Ji-ah ready to resume legal battle against Seo Taiji

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Actress E Ji-ah, who tried to drop a suit she had filed against her former husband rocker Seo Taiji, has gotten ready to resume her case after Seo disagreed to her decision.

The Seoul Family Court on Wednesday received E's briefs for a fourth round of hearing, set for July 4, on the case in which E is demanding alimony and division of assets from Seo for their divorce.
Briefs are crucial document to a hearing -- what has not been stated in the briefs cannot be argued in court if the other person is not at the hearing in person.

Hence this shows that the actress has decided to re-engage in the legal battle she prompted in January yet wanted to cancel four months later due to their relationship, kept a complete secret from the public for close to 15 years, becoming exposed.

Korea's cyberspace became swamped with speculation and rumor on E in particular since Seo is considered a cultural icon in Korea, both had been believed to be single and in March, E had also admitted to dating top actor Jung Woo-sung, her co-star of SBS TV series "Athena." The two are now believed to have split up.
Nonetheless, Seo rejected E's move, saying he will see to the end of the matter so that it does not recur.

Seo and E have different stances on their case: Seo said they separated in 2000 and their divorce went into effect in 2006 but E has claimed they divorced in 2009 after filing for it in 2006, although papers too have shown that they officially split in 2006 and that E had also waived her rights for spousal support from the singer.

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Jessica Kim jesskim@

<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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