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Big Bang's new album claims No. 1 spot on Oricon chart

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Korean boy band Big Bang [YG Entertainment]

Korean boy band Big Bang [YG Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Korean idols Big Bang have topped the prestigious Oricon chart with their second full-length Japanese album.

Big Bang's new album titled 『BIGBANG 2』 has sold 23,993 copies since going on sale in the country yesterday, placing them in first place on Oricon's daily chart.
The boys had previously ranked third on Oricon's weekly chart in August 2009 with their first full-length album "BIGBANG" which sold over 79,000 copies.

『BIGBANG 2』 features a total of 10 tracks including the Japanese version of their songs "TONIGHT," "LOVE SONG" and "STUPID LIAR (Ms. Liar)."

Meanwhile, the five-member group kicked off their promotional concert tour "Love &Hope" in Osaka on May 10 and will visit Chiba on May 13 till 15 and Nagoya on May 17 and 18.
Recently, Big Bang had promoted themselves in Korea for the first time in over two years after pursuing their musical activities as solos or duets as well as expanding their singing career as their quintet in Japan in the summer of 2009 which saw success.

Their latest releases in Korea, their fourth mini-album and the special edition of the album, topped various music charts and scored wins on televised music shows in the country for several weeks.

Big Bang's album on Oricon's daily chart [Oricon Style]

Big Bang's album on Oricon's daily chart [Oricon Style]

원본보기 아이콘

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Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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