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Former S.E.S. member Eugene to marry in July

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Ki Tae-young (left) and Eugene shoot a scene for MBC TV series "Seeking Love" [MBC ]

Ki Tae-young (left) and Eugene shoot a scene for MBC TV series "Seeking Love" [MBC ]

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Former girl group S.E.S member-turned-actress Eugene will wed fellow actor Ki Tae-young in July.

The announcement came through messages both posted on their online fan club websites early on Wednesday.
"There is one thing that pops into mind when I think of spring. And it's of being a bride in May, something that all women probably dream of," Eugene wrote, going onto state, "I had dreamt of becoming a bride in May and although I won't be one... I think I'll become one in July."

She then added, "'Seeking Love' truly provided us with a special relationship. You all know who it is, right?" referring to Ki, her co-star of the MBC TV series which ran for over three months from October 2009.

Ki's message read, "I'm getting married in July!!! I surprised you, didn't I?" while adding directly, "You might have guessed who it is but it's Eugene."
The two had sparked rumors of dating over several occasions, starting from when "Seeking Love" was on air.

However, an official at Eugene's agency G.G Entertainment explained that the two became close after Eugene introduced Ki to the church she attends, after the show ended its run, and they started dating a year and a half ago.

The official added that the couple will hold their nuptials at a church on July 23 with only relatives and close acquaintances in attendance.

Eugene, 30, made her debut in the entertainment industry in 1997 as a member of her female trio which was the first generation of idol groups in Korea and one of the most popular girl groups in the country.

However, she pursued an acting career after S.E.S disbanded in 2002 and last starred in 2010 smash-hit drama "Bread, Love and Dreams."

She is also the host of a beauty show, will soon publish her second beauty-related book, and owns an Internet-based shopping mall.

Ki, 32, started his career with acting, in 1997 as well, and has been in numerous TV shows as well as a couple of movies. Most recently, he appeared in MBC's popular series "Royal Family."

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Jessica Kim jesskim@

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