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Kang Ji-hwan says will sign for more episodes of drama if extended

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Poster for upcoming TV series "Lie To Me" (working title) [SBS]

Poster for upcoming TV series "Lie To Me" (working title) [SBS]

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Korean actor Kang Ji-hwan has said he would be the first to grab at the chance to sign on for additional episodes of his upcoming drama were it to be prolonged.

He made the remark during the press conference for SBS' Monday and Tuesday series "Lie To Me (working title)" held in front of local reporters in Seoul today, saying he "it is great" working with actresses Yoon Eun-hye, Park Ji-yoon and Cho Youn-hee.
"I knew that I would get a chance to work with Yoon sometime in the future, while I was always a fan of Park as a singer and I really liked Cho when I first saw her in songstress Lee Soo-young's music video," Kang said enthusiastically.

In "Lie To Me," Kang plays the role of Hyun Ki-jun, the president and C.E.O of World Hotel who has a harsh personality that ends up getting his perfect reputation tarnished because of a lie told by Gong Ah-jung (played by Yoon Eun-hye), a level five government employee.

Meanwhile, Park, making her return to the small screen after seven years, plays Hyun's childhood friend and hotelier of World Hotel and Cho takes on the role of Oh Yoon-joo, Hyun's ex-fiancee who returns to Korea after studying abroad in France for three years and looks to restart her relationship with Hyun.
"I have starred in different genres like action and melodrama but the biggest difference between the two is that the latter has beautiful actresses...... So I'll be the first one to sign the contract if by any chance the series was extended due to good viewership ratings and per request of the director," Kang remarked, drawing laughter from the crowd.

Kang made his debut in the entertainment industry through the musical "Rocky Horror Show" in 2001 and has since appeared on the small and big screen with his roles in "Be Strong, Geum-soon!" (MBC, 2005), "Hong Gil-dong, the Hero" (KBS2, 2008) and "My Girlfriend is an Agent" (2009).

He has also starred in SBS' "Coffee House" opposite T-ara member Eunjung and in the musical "Cafe In" which opened in Tokyo late last year.

"Lie To Me" is scheduled to air in the Monday and Tuesday primetime slot starting May 9 after current series "Midas" ends its run.

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Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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