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Super Junior Eunhyuk takes a picture with Siwon and Donghae

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Super Junior-M members (from left to right) Eunhyuk, Siwon and Donghae [Eunhyuk's official Twitter website]

Super Junior-M members (from left to right) Eunhyuk, Siwon and Donghae [Eunhyuk's official Twitter website]

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Korean idol Eunhyuk has posted a picture with fellow Super Junior-M members Siwon and Donghae on his official Twitter account (http://twitter.com/AllRiseSilver).

In the photograph uploaded on Tuesday, Eunhyuk is seen with a lollipop in his mouth, while fellow members Siwon has a serious look on his face and Donghae has his cheeks puffed out with a comment below saying, "Eun, Si, Hae in Taiwan. I feel lucky to have my friends, my members!"
Hundreds of fans left responses such as, "Wow! I can see how close you are with the other members!" "Where are the other Super Junior-M members?" and "Good luck with promotions in Taiwan! Hurry back to Korea!"

Super Junior-M, a sub unit of Super Junior, released their second mini-album "Perfection" on February 25 in the Greater China region. The group will be in the country for several weeks to promote the latest release which has topped a number of music charts in China and Taiwan.

Composed of other members Henry, Zhou Mi, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun and Sungmin, Super Junior-M released their first album ‘迷 (Me)' and received the award for Best Group in 2008 and followed it up with their first mini-album “SUPER GIRL” in September 2009.
They recently took part in the Hong Kong Asian-Pop Music Festival held in Hong Kong last week.

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Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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