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ZE:A leader Moon Jun-young suffers injury to face

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ZE:A leader Moon Jun-young [Star Empire Entertainment]

ZE:A leader Moon Jun-young [Star Empire Entertainment]

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Korean idol Moon Jun-young of boy band ZE:A has injured his face which has forced him to take a break from his group activities, according to his agency Star Empire Entertainment.

Star Empire stated through a press release on Wednesday that Moon suffered an orbital fracture to his left cheekbone yesterday after slipping in his bathroom after a shower and hitting his face on the sink.
Everyone considered it a slight injury at first but Moon was rushed to the hospital when the pain persisted and after thorough examination, was told to have to undergo surgery for the fracture, Star Empire explained.

"We are currently in the process of checking him into the hospital and will receive surgery tomorrow. He will rest and receive treatment until he makes a full recovery and accordingly, we don't think he'll be able to make any TV appearances until then."

Jun-young made his debut as the leader of the nine-member boy band ZE:A (Children of Empire) in January of last year. The released their first mini-album "Nativity" which produced the hit song "Mazeltov" and followed it up with other albums "Leap For Detonation" and "Level Up."
They expanded their singing careers into the music market in Japan after performing on music program "SEOUL TRAIN," which introduces K-pop artists to local fans, in early March 2010 and signed with Japanese entertainment company IMX two months later.

The boys have returned to the local music scene with their first full-length album "LOVABILITY" and have been busy promoting the title track "Here I Am" on various televised music programs.

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Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>


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