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[INTERVIEW] Boy band Big Bang - Part 2

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Big Bang [YG Entertainment]

Big Bang [YG Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Q: What do you mean by looking far?
G-Dragon (GD):
I think it has to do with greediness. We've been Big Bang for the sixth year now but we try to get rid of the systematic dissatisfactions we have as much as we can when it comes to our activities. And even when they are there, we try to let go of them through other means. So we want to set an example in that sense.
T.O.P: I think changing people's perspective is what we should do as seniors to other artists. And just like we have to have faith in our fans, the public too should place faith in the artists they like.
GD: What I don't like as an artist is how money is always magnified as the only issue when incidents like that occur in Korea. I'm sure there were a lot of problems including those between the group's members or differences in opinion regarding the music they're doing for them to reach that point so it's a shame that such problems with idol groups are seen to be related to money. That's how people will perceive of us when it's not true. T.O.P said he received questions only about KARA and TVXQ when he recently visited Japan. I don't like the fact that such perceptions are being formed of Korean idol groups.
T.O.P: Foreigners are taking more and more interest in Hallyu, thinking it's mysterious, so in a way it makes me sad to think Korean singers are perceived in that way but I also think we should work even harder.

Q: Even the Hallyu moves within the context of money quite a lot but I think your group is different. I think the fact that the music video for "TONIGHT" received over two million hits on YouTube and ranked high on iTunes shows your music is appealing to listeners with the music itself, ahead of how it's promoted commercially.
I don't think we get a lot of hits on YouTube because we're famous. I rather think it's that our individual activities such as Taeyang's solo album or GD&TOP's duo unit album has stirred curiosity of our music amongst people overseas. Taeyang recently visited the U.S. where he met many artists and he said they were curious about Korea. In the past, we used to think a lot about what the Korean public would like when we shot music videos so it's exciting to think that even more people will be watching it. It also feels like we're competing with foreign artists.
GD: We've been proud of the fact that we were known for our music first and it has been what makes us work harder. The reason we have more fun with promoting our album or just working these days is that we're inclined to work harder because we're under the determination that this album could go to any country.

G-Dragon [YG Entertainment]

G-Dragon [YG Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘
Q: Don't you ever feel sort of a rivalry though? YG's music is from Black American music so don't you want to create a Korean style of music in response to it?
Our company, as well as myself, started with black music but we digged into it deeper over time to mix and match it with Korean sentiment which I think is considered refreshing overseas. Before, we may have been in a hurry to catch up to their music but I would say we're now in the process of establishing firm ground with ours.

Q: Well this applies to the albums you release as Big Bang as well but your solo activities have definitely been noteworthy, especially in regards to how they present a variety of music. Can't you manage both your solo and group activities at the same time?
It's probably impossible as of now but we do think it'll be good to do that in the future for both our group and each of its members. We know that a lot of people want Big Bang but there are different performances we want to put on and different genres of music we want to do. I think presenting music whenever we have time to and are ready to is a good idea.
GD: What I've always envied about music markets overseas is that whether a really popular artist releases an album for the first time in a while or posts up a song he has made with his friends for the first time in a month, they're all considered real music. But in our country, groups like us need to promote big at least once every year. I wish I could just let our fans listen to more music on a more regular basis, like if I come up with a song today, I would record it today and post it up tomorrow.
Taeyang: It's like the concept of mix tapes. I love how we can just record what we felt like making that day. And I'm hoping that the Korean music industry will change in a way that we can go beyond just enjoying such music by ourselves and share it. I think it's a good thing for an idol group with a certain amount of influence that makes music to do that.
GD: Under the current system in Korea, even music that wasn't made for commercial purposes end up becoming so. Even music that we make without a particular purpose will become commercial music when promoted big. Everyone wants to listen to different music depending on the genre or their mood so I'm sure it would be fun for them to be able to have choices if we make and upload songs about how we felt at certain moments. I don't like how you always have to wait for an album for so long, then get sick of it after listening to that album so many times and then wait for a new one to come out. I feel bad for my fans as well. So we're preparing events using blogs or other medium to change that starting this year. I'm sure there'll be a lot of changes if they wait for us just a little bit more.
Taeyang [YG Entertainment]

Taeyang [YG Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘
Q: It looks like you want to present a new attitude regarding the music industry, not just idol culture.
It's a shame that people evaluate and go wild over artists based on how their songs rank on charts. How they think they have defeated someone else based on that chart. I don't think we dwell on that anymore.

Q: Is that why "TONIGHT" is the title track but not very commercial? For example, when T.O.P's rap builds to the climax with the beat in the beginning of the song, Taeyang sings the part after that solo instead of you all singing together.
There was a style that Big Bang used to follow. The mood would build up in the verse and explode after that, that was my style, but I wanted to break away from that this time because I didn't want to be obvious. And rather than sing the chorus together, I felt that the emotion that's delivered would be at its height if Taeyang sings it with the saddest voice possible. The version that got included in this album is the one Taeyang sang when he was really sick. There was a better version but we decided to go with the other one.
Taeyang: I sounded very healthy in the version I sang properly. I asked why he changed to the one I sang when I was sick but he said I did a better job of delivering my emotions in it.
GD: There was a very subtle yet definite difference. And that subtle difference in emotion makes all the difference. "TONIGHT" is a song which can't be cheerful. It has to sound cheerful but actually be very sad so it came out well. I think that music with very fast beats, yet sounding sad, ambiguous and melancholy is what best suits Big Bang. I think that's the best emotion to deliver nowadays.

Q: But technique alone won't catch such emotions in music I think.
Yes, not technique. I rather think that everyone's solo activities helped a lot. I've directed each and everyone of them and found that they had changed a lot so it was easy to capture their emotions. We definitely sound different now that we're not kids anymore.
Taeyang: Over time and with each year we age, we've come to feel more emotions and are getting better at expressing them.
Q: Then will this album inform the public of how Big Bang's style of music has changed?
Not necessarily... I'm just hoping that it'll be seen as the path we're taking from becoming idols into musicians. I think we're at the stage where we're not musicians but not idols either. In a way, we also feel bad for being called idols. (laugh)
T.O.P: There is still so much that we want to show everyone.
GD: After promoting this mini-album, we're going to tour Japan and release another album when we return. I think that'll be a full-length album which we're thinking of working on with composers from outside YG as well so I think it'll have a different flavor to it.

Q: Lastly, I'm curious to know what Big Bang means to you among all the music-related activities you pursue. Taeyang, you once said on "Big Bang TV Live" that you need to live your life as a person who's doing music but does that mean you'll pursue individual activities gather as Big Bang when you need to or is that road in itself what Big Bang is about?
I believe I'm doing both together. I think they're both headed in the same direction and for the same goal. We may prefer different genres or have differing tastes but I believe that in the end, we all want the same thing and that we're all headed in that direction. We're not scattering about and then gathering when we need to, but releasing solo albums as one of the members of our group which I think has a better influence on the team when we go back to it.
GD: I'm hoping that's what the public will think as well... That Big Bang is a group that has big dreams in mind when it comes to music.

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Reporter : Wee Geun-woo eight@
Editor : Jang Kyung-Jin three@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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