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H.O.T members say reunion a possibility

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Members of group H.O.T gather to congratulate Lee Jae-won's discharge from the military in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea on March 7, 2011. [Park Sung-ki/Asia Economic Daily]

Members of group H.O.T gather to congratulate Lee Jae-won's discharge from the military in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea on March 7, 2011. [Park Sung-ki/Asia Economic Daily]

원본보기 아이콘

Members of Korean boy band H.O.T have revealed the possibility of reunion for the group.

"We haven't talked about it yet so we don't what will happen in the future," H.O.T members Moon Hee-jun, Jang Woo-hyuk, Tony An, Kangta and Lee Jae-won, who was discharged from serving his mandatory two-year military service today, said in front of some 300 local and international fans and reporters.
"We are thinking about it in a positive light though but we don't know yet so we are waiting to see what happens. As of right now, we are all focusing on our individual activities so please show your support and love."

Meanwhile, Lee explained his thoughts about being discharged saying, "I feel nervous and kind of awkward about being in front of the camera. I want to express my gratitude for those who came out to see me today."

The five-members posed in front of reporters and fans, displaying their friendship even after the group disbanded in 2001.
Lee Jae-won, 30, made his debut in 1996 as the youngest member of the now-disbanded idol group H.O.T. The five-member boy band was one of the most popular K-pop acts in Korea and throughout Asia during the late 1990s to early 200s.

He then took part of the trio project group J.T.L with former H.O.T members Tony An and Jang Woo-hyuk and released his first solo album "No Pain, No Gain" in 2005 followed by his single "I'm So Hot" two years later.

Lee Jae-won speaks after being discharged from the military while Tony Ahn holds up the mics in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea on March 7, 2011. [Park Sung-ki/Asia Economic Daily]

Lee Jae-won speaks after being discharged from the military while Tony Ahn holds up the mics in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea on March 7, 2011. [Park Sung-ki/Asia Economic Daily]

원본보기 아이콘

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Reporter : Park Kun-ouc kun1112@
Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@

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