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Actress Kim Hyo-jin invited to Berlin film fest

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Actress Kim Hyo-jin [Asia Economic Daily]

Actress Kim Hyo-jin [Asia Economic Daily]

원본보기 아이콘

Actress Kim Hyo-jin has been invited to the 61st International Berlin Film Festival scheduled for next February, according to her agency Namoo Actors Co. on Wednesday.

The 26-year old actress was invited to compete at the film’s Panorama section with the role she played in film “Ashamed (2010)" directed by Kim Soo-hyun who has returned to the movie scene after a seven-year hiatus since “So Cute (2004)."
In the film, Kim plays a girl named Yoon Ji-woo who tries to attempt suicide until she meets a shoplifter named Gang Ji-woo (Kim Kkot-bi) and falls in love with her.

“I’m just so happy and excited to be invited to such prestigious film festival. I am greatly honored regardless of whether I'll receive an award,” Kim was quoted as saying by her agency.

The Panorama section features the newest work of well-known directors around the world which have been proven for their style and artistic themes, as well as commercial value.
"Ashamed" had already been introduced in the New Currents section of the Pusan International Film Festival (PIFF) in Busan this year and received favorable reviews.

Separately another Korean film “The Unjust (2010)” directed by Ryoo Seung-wan has also been invited to compete in the Panorama section.

Kim Hyo-jin is a popular actress in Korea who has starred widely in dramas, films, music videos, commercials and theater plays.

She is currently starring in KBS2 TV prime time series “Marry me, Mary” which airs Mondays and Tuesdays.

Reporter : Lee Eun-ji
Editor : Heidi Kim heidikim@

<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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