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[INTERVIEW] Singer Lee Seok-hoon - Part 2

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10: I know that your song "10 Reasons To Love You" was received more favorably than the title track "Station." There must be some sort of reason for that.
Lee: That was one of the problems with this album. "Station" was made with the determination that it would be the title track while "10 Reasons To Love You" was recorded right away at night after I got a call from the producer because he said he wanted to. But the response was completely opposite. It may be because I put in too much of my personal opinion into "Station." I went with what I wanted to do, to the extent I could, not knowing what the mass audience wanted since it hasn't been long since I made my debut. And that interfered in how my songs were delivered to the audience. I felt like a singer who forced himself to express the sadness of the lyrics through gestures instead of through the singing. I realized that having everything that I want in it isn't always good.

10: Most singers are sad that their intentions aren't reflected into their songs but you're in the opposite situation. (laugh)
Lee: Since I got to make this album the way I wanted. I made the song "Goodbye...Passionate Love" telling the company 'I want to create one song in the way I want' but after it was over I wondered whether I had made the right choice. I thought of how I should be singing songs for the audience since I am a pop singer. I also thought that if I released another solo album, it may be good to leave out my opinions.
10: Do you think that's possible with your experience? Didn't you used to teach singing before joining SG Wannabe? Hasn't that enabled you to judge yourself in an objective way?
Lee: I taught music at an institute for applied music. And I also performed with some bands that I liked at Hongdae. I've been with three different agencies, I quit while I was a trainee and I've walked out while recording an album. And because of that, I honestly thought I wasn't the kind of person who would become a singer. I don't think that everyone is meant to become an entertainer or singer.

10: In what way? Other people will probably think you're exactly what a singer should be like after they see you perform.
Lee: The energy is really different. The musical aspect of it is different too but so is their entire lifestyle. When it comes to singing and music I'm the kind of person that likes to help others in any way possible. Sometimes I get confused because it's the singers job to show and sing for the audience. So I had a lot of concerns in particular while recording the album and I wondered whether this was the right job for me.

10: But the only way you'll deliver your music is by becoming a singer.
Lee: Yeah. I'm singing what I want to sing but the kind of lifestyle that I'm living now is different from what I want. Right now, I think of it as a step I'm taking in order to live a great life in the future. I feel like I've turned into a fussy four year-old. (laugh)
10: You will have to sing in no matter what situation you are. Do you feel burdened that you have to appear in variety programs? You have to sing at any moment without being emotionally ready.
Lee: That's why I think singers are great. There will be times when the singer will have to wake up and sing right away. Singing on stage is great but living your life for that isn't easy. That is why I tell my friends who are considering becoming singers to give it another thought. (laugh)

10: What are the rest of the members of SG Wannabe like?
Lee: Kim Yong-joon is a softie on the outside but strong on the inside while Kim Jin-ho is the other way around. (laugh) In Yong-joon's case, it was amazing to see how strictly he managed his life after he came back from Japan, doing MBC reality show "We Got Married" and a musical. I tell myself that I shouldn't be like this when I look at them. I rely on them a lot.

10: What goals do you have?
Lee: I haven't won the grand prize at a year-end awards ceremony before because I joined the group late. (laugh) So I really want to win it. I want it a lot. (laugh) And I think I'll start teaching next year. I didn't think I'd be able to concentrate on it this year but it has always been my dream to stand on a podium so I think I'll slowly start preparing for it next year.

10: What do you emphasize when you teach?
Lee: To not sing fake. Once you start teaching singing, you can tell whether that person is singing in earnest or not. Some people who have learned to sing the wrong way don't even know why they're using such hand motions when they're not even singing with emotion. That's why I tell them to sing in earnest.

10: I think that's in line with the way you pull off the album.
Lee: So in a way I'm happy because it feels like I'm finally showing my friends that I wasn't lying to them. I was worried that I might have come off as singing to look cool but I think I've been able to deliver the songs that I wanted to through this album. I do still have a lot of concerns. (laugh)

Senior Reporter : Kang Myoung-Seok two@
Photographer : Chae ki-won ten@
Editor : Jang Kyung-Jin three@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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