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Brown Eyed Girls "thrilled" by Korean soccer team

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Korean pop group Brown Eyed Girls has said they are thrilled about the national soccer team which will be advancing to the Round of 16 of the 2010 World Cup games for the first time overseas.

The female quartet shared their excitement with Asia Economic Daily through their agency Nega Network on Wednesday morning, saying "Taeguk Warriors [nickname for players on the Korean national soccer team] put up a great fight against the Nigerians."
"We already knew they were good but watching them actually win the game was even more thrilling," the girls were quoted as saying. "We hope they do even better in the future."

Brown Eyed Girls is composed of leader Jea, rapper Miryo and vocals Narsha and Gain. They debuted in 2006 with album "Your Story" and have since released two more studio albums and two mini-albums.

Their latest record "Sound G.", released in July 2009, produced the hit single "Abracadabra" which swept various K-pop music charts last year.
Earlier this morning, South Korea's soccer team drew 2-2 against the Nigerians in the final Group B match of the first round, after defeating Greece 2-0 and losing to Argentina 1-4 in the first two games.

Prior to this year's games in South Africa, the Korean team had never made it past the groups stages overseas since their first World Cup appearance in 1954. Their most successful run in the World Cup was back in 2002, when they made it to the semi-finals on their home soil as the co-host of the games with Japan.

Reporter : Park Kun-ouc kun1112@
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>



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