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Kim Nam-joo wins grand prize at award ceremony in China

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Korean actress Kim Nam-joo, who was voted one of the top ten Asian actors by Chinese viewers last week, has won the grand prize at an award ceremony held by Chinese Entertainment Television (CETV) over the weekend, according to her agency Wellmade Star M.

Wellmade Star M announced in a press release that the "Queen of Housewives" actress stole the show as she took the top prize of the event, which took place at Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center on June 19.
According to CETV, Kim had been up against Taiwanese entertainer Joseph Cheng, who is called the "Rain of Taiwan," till the last minute but defeated him for the title, thanks to the success of "Housewives" in the Greater China region.

"As the lead actor of 'Housewives,' I am very glad and honored that the show is getting great response beyond Korea and throughout Asia as well," the actress was quoted as saying. "I will try to pay back my fans with better acting in the future."

Celebrating its sixth anniversary, the Chinese broadcaster had asked viewers to cast votes for top ten actors in Asia. Fan voting takes place every year with stars from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan being awarded the title.
This year, three Korean actors made the top ten list -- Kim Nam-joo for "Housewives" and Kong Hyo-jin and Lee Sun-gyun for hit culinary drama "Pasta."

After the award ceremony, Kim spoke at a press conference with over a hundred local media outlets in attendance.

"I would like to thank CETV, I am incredibly grateful to receive such a huge award," the actress told reporters. "I will keep working harder in the future and come back as a new 'Queen of Housewives.'"

When one reporter asked for details regarding her comeback in the second season of "Housewives," she joked, "It is a top national secret."

"Housewives", about a 30-something woman who struggles to help her husband succeed, became one of the most-watched shows during its run early last year, topping Korea's TV ratings charts for three consecutive weeks.

Kim, 39, made a successful comeback by taking on "Housewives," her first acting job since marrying actor Kim Seung-woo in 2005 and giving birth to a daughter.

Her comedic portrayal of a modern Korean housewife won her numerous accolades including being named 'Actor of the Year' by Korea's Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism last December.

She is currently shooting several television commercials and recently agreed to star in the second season of "Housewives," tentatively titled "Queen of Tears."

"Tears" is scheduled to air in September after historical drama "Dong Yi - Jewel in the Crown" ends its run.
Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>



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