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Kim Bum invited to TV and movie festival in Shanghai as VIP

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Korean actor Kim Bum has been invited to a TV and movie festival in Shanghai as a VIP guest, according to his agency King Kong Entertainment on Friday.

King Kong announced in a press release that the actor, who left for China today, will be attending the 16th annual Shanghai TV Festival tonight and the opening ceremony for the 13th bi-annual Shanghai International Film Festival on June 12.
"Kim Bum's popularity in China has been increasing since his role in the hit series 'Boys Over Flowers.' He has been invited to present an award during the closing ceremony for the TV fest," explained a rep from King Kong.

The rep added that Kim will also be walking the red carpet at the prestigious Shanghai International Film Festival over the weekend and will carry out various interviews with popular media outlets in the country during his stay.

The Shanghai TV Festival is a prominent awards ceremony in the Asian TV industry, acknowledging and screening the best entries in drama, movies, documentaries and animation.
The Shanghai International Film Festival, held from June 12 to 20, is one of the largest film fests in East Asia. The fest opens the world to China's film industry, filmmakers and other events.

Kim, 20, has starred in several dramas and movies since making his debut in 2006. He is well-known for his roles in "High Kick" and "Boys Over Flowers."

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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