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The Boss to hold first showcase in China

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Korean pop idol group The Boss will hold their first showcase in China over the weekend, according to their agency Open-World Entertainment on Tuesday.

Open-World announced in a press release that the group will exhibit their showcase at the Jin Mao Tower this coming Sunday to congratulate the upcoming Expo 2010 Shanghai China.
"The boys have not begun their official activities in the country but they have decided to attend the event because of the interest from Chinese fans," explained a representative from Open-World.

The members of Boss said, "We are very excited to give our first show in China. We are busy practicing for our performance... we want to present the best show ever."

The five-member boy band, whose name stands for The Boys of Super Space, made their debut into the local music industry with their first single album "The Admirer" in March this year.
They recently visited Thailand to take part in "ShowKing M In Bangkok," a concert hosted by Korean cable music channel Mnet.

Reporter : Lim Hye-seon lhsro@
Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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