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CJ Entertainment sets up Japanese branch

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Korea's largest film investment, production and distribution company CJ Entertainment has expanded its business into Japan, setting up a branch under the name CJ Entertainment JAPAN (CJEJ).

CJEJ, jointly established by CJ Entertainment and movie theater chain T-JOY, a subsidiary of Japan's major studio TOEI, held a ceremony in Shinjuku on Tuesday marking its registration as a corporation.
CJ Entertainment CEO Katharine Kim, T-JOY executive director Naoshi Yoda and CJEJ CEO Bae Hyung-chan were present at the event attended by some 400 film industry officials.

"We plan to distribute four to five co-produced multinational movies and at least 10 Korean movies to Japan every year, as well as self-producing and distributing five to seven Japanese films to establish a sustainable model for growth," explained CJEJ of its goals for its business in the country.

CJEJ plans to distribute a total of some 10 Korean films this year, starting with "Castaway on the Moon" on June 19, "Secret" and "Parallel Life" in July and August, "Haeundae" in September and "Harmony" in October.
They also in talks with Japanese entertainment firm Amuse and Paramount Pictures Japan to co-produce a human drama tentatively titled "Onsen" by Japanese filmmaker Nakata Hideo which will began filming this year.

Reporter : Ko Kyoung-seok kave@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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