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"Shutter Island" captures top spot on Korean box office

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Crime thriller "Shutter Island" made its way to the top of the domestic box office to win the title as most-watched movie for the third week of March, according to estimates on Monday.

The Korean Box Office System (KOBIS) revealed that the mystery drama sold 336,257 tickets during the weekend of March 19 to 21, knocking out former winner "Alice in Wonderland."
The Hollywood film helmed by world renowned director Martin Scorsese starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo and Ben Kingsley follows the disappearance of a murderer who escaped to Shutter Island after running away from the mental hospital.

Fantasy flick "Alice in Wonderland," starring Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, dropped a spot to No. 2 bringing in 303,709 viewers while new heist comedy tentatively titled “Revolver Gangster Gang" entered the box office in third place with 243,031 admissions.

Korean films "Secret Reunion" and newly released "Outlaw" ranked fourth and fifth on the chart with 102,827 and 81,121 tickets sold over the weekend, respectively.
Other movies in the top 10 were "Daybreakers," "From Paris With Love," "It's Complicated," "Avatar," and "Harmony."

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>



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