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TVXQ best album goes double platinum in Japan

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Asian pop sensation TVXQ's first best album "Best Selection 2010" has achieved double platinum status in Japan, according to figures by the Record Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ).

RIAJ's website announced Friday that its sales data compiled between January 1 and February 28 revealed that the album sold over 500,000 units to hit double platinum and also make it the top-selling record sold by a foreign artist.
Under RIAJ criteria, singles and albums which sell over 100,000 copies are certified Gold, 250,000 as Platinum and one million and Million.

The collection, which was released in mid-February, features two discs filled with their top hits in Korean and Japanese.

The boy band's DVD "4th Live Tour - The Secret Code - Final in Tokyo Dome" and members Hero Jaejoong and Micky Yoochun's duet single "Colors Melody and Harmony" also simultaneously took the honors for Gold.
TVXQ, who made their debut in 2004 with their title track "Hug," is one of the most popular and successful K-pop acts not only in Korea but also throughout Asia.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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