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Korean film "Elbowroom" invited to Rotterdam film fest

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Korean film "Elbowroom" has been officially invited to the 39th Rotterdam International Film Festival, according to the film's producer Gun Cinema on Monday.

"Elbowroom" will be shown in the "Bright Future" section -- a non-competitive category which introduces works by new promising directors -- at the film fest, to be held in Rotterdam starting January 27.
The film, which was directed by indie filmmaker Ham Kyoung-rock, shows the violent living environment surrounding handicapped people and how they live under such circumstances.

Founded in 1972, Rotterdam is considered one of the biggest film festivals in Europe, alongside Cannes, Venice and Berlin, and is nicknamed the "Sundance of Europe." Korean film "Paju" -- directed by noted female director Park Chan-ok -- has been selected to open the event this year.

Several Korean films have won the top "Tiger Award" at Rotterdam -- "The Day a Pig Fell into the Well" (1997), "Jealousy is My Middle Name" (2003) and "Ddongpari" (2009).

Reporter : Ko Kyoung-seok kave@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

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