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MBC cable channel's "Idol Show" to air in Thailand

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Television program "Idol Show," currently airing on major broadcaster MBC's entertainment cable channel, will show in Thailand starting January of next year.

MBC PLUS MEDIA, owner of the channel named MBCevery1 and other cable channels of MBC, announced in a press release Tuesday that three seasons of the show hosted by Korean idol groups had been sold to TrueVisions, Thailand's leading pay-TV operator.
Season 1 of the reality show was hosted by members of idol group Super Junior and Season 2 by rock quartet FT Island. Season 3, hosted by boy band 2PM from December 2008 till March this year, helped the group just three months into their debut gain stardom.

"We expect this to bring about an increase to the self-production industry of cable channels," an official at MBC PLUS MEDIA was quoted as saying, adding that it is exceptional for an cable entertainment show to seal a long-term deal overseas amidst the dominance of shows by terrestrial broadcasters.

MBC PLUS MEDIA has sold a number of its shows to countries throughout Asia including Japan, Taiwan and Thailand.

Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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