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Korean actor Cho Min-ki featured in Mainichi Shimbun

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Korean actor Cho Min-ki has been featured in a special column by Japanese daily newspaper Mainichi Shimbun, according to a press release by agency Mentor Entertainment.

Mainichi Shimbun -- one of three major daily newspapers in Japan along with Asahi Shimbun and Yomiuri Shimbun -- ran a special year-end column which profiled Cho as a prominent actor, photographer and activist in its issues published from December 22 thru December 25.
"We are building a foundation for Cho's activities in Japan next year," an official at Mentor Entertainment was quoted as saying. "We are trying to set a good standard in presenting Cho not only as a veteran actor but as a true artist."

The column in Mainichi was part of the promotion that Cho carried out with Japanese broadcaster TBS for the hit Korean drama "East of Eden", which recently aired in the country.

The show's successful airing has led to a growing interest in the actor, who is reportedly receiving requests for a local fan meeting as well as a photo exhibition. He is planning to present his photography works at Tokyo's Keumsan Gallery in May.
Cho Min-ki, 44, has appeared in more than a dozen television dramas including the recent hit "Queen Seon-deok" (MBC, 2009), "Iljimae" (SBS, 2008) and "The Immortal Lee Soon-Shin" (KBS1, 2004). He currently stars in SBS daily drama "Wife Returns".

He is well-known for his volunteer work in Africa, helping children and malaria victims while raising funds for various causes including water shortages. As PR ambassador for global aid organization KFHI (Korea Food for the Hungry International), he made headlines earlier this year when he took actor Park Hae-jin, his co-star in "Eden", for volunteer work in Africa.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
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