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Rain's documentary wins 3 Asian TV Awards

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A documentary about Korean superstar Rain, "Hip Korea - Rain", has won three awards at the 14th Asia TV Awards (ATA), according to a press release by agency J. Tune Entertainment.

The documentary, which scored four nominations last month, was named the winner of Best Cross-Platform Content at the ATA 2009 Gala Dinner on December 3. It also received "Highly Commended" marks for Best Music Program and Best Infotainment Program.
"Hip Korea - Rain" shows the past and present accomplishments of the Korean star -- from his childhood upbringing to the journey leading up to his success in music, television and movies.

The Asia Television Awards(ATA), which is considered Asia’s equivalent of the Emmys, selects the best television programs that aired in the region including Korea, Japan, China, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand. This year, 204 programs from 14 countries were selected for the finals, out of some 1,000 television programs that had been submitted.

The documentary was produced by Singapore-based company Bang Productions, which previously made “Crossings: Jackie Chan”. It aired worldwide on the Discovery Channel earlier this year.
Rain, whose real name is Jung Ji-hoon, started his career as a trainee at Korea's major talent agency JYP Entertainment in 2002. He quickly gained fame throughout Asia, releasing five albums in Korea and starring in hit televisions dramas including "Full House" and "Sang Doo! Let's Go To School".

Last year, he made his Hollywood debut in the Wachowski Brothers' action flick "Speed Racer", which led to his recent star turn in the martial arts movie "Ninja Assassin".

Reporter : Park Kun-ouc kun1112@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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