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Lee Byung-hun accused of gambling by alleged ex-girlfriend

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A woman who sued Hallyu star Lee Byung-hun of alluring her into a sexual relationship based on false promises of marriage, has also accused the actor of gambling.

The woman, a Korean-Canadian identified by her last name Kwon who claims to be Lee's ex-girlfriend, filed a complaint against the actor, saying that he has been involved in heavy gambling.
Lee's legal representative Kim & Chang stated that Kwon's accusations are baseless, claiming that Lee's acquaintances all describe Lee as someone who is not interested in gambling and went on to say that "Kwon appears to have a foul motive to tarnish Lee Byung-hun's image".

Kim & Chang submitted a petition on Thursday, requesting the Seoul Central District Court to look into the matter regarding Kwon and some blackmailers. According to Lee's agency BH Entertainment, anonymous male callers had been threatening to expose false details about the actor's relationship with Kwon unless Lee paid them several billions of wons.

Kim & Chang stressed that they will "get to the truth of the matter and prove Lee's innocence."
Lee, 39, has appeared in numerous Korean dramas and films, including TV series "All In" and director Park Chan-wook's 2000 film "Joint Security Area". He currently stars in hit TV series "Iris" co-starring actress Kim Tae-hee and actor Jung Jun-ho.

He also debuted in Hollywood this year with a supporting role in "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra" alongside Channing Tatum and Sienna Miller and starred in action thriller "I Come with the Rain" with Josh Hartnett and Takuya Kimura which also showed in theaters this year.

Lee plans to carry out his future schedule according to plan, wrapping up shooting of KBS TV series "Iris" and attend a fan meeting at Tokyo Dome next week.

Reporter : Ko Kyoung-seok kave@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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