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"Good Morning President" still No. 1 after three weeks

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"Good Morning President" starring Hallyu star Jang Dong-gun has topped the Korean box office for the third consecutive week.

For the weekend of November 6-8, "President" stayed atop the Korean box office with 335,190 viewers, according to estimates released by Korea Box Office Information System (KOBIS) on Monday. The film has attracted over a total 2.2 million viewers since its release on October 22.
Korean film "The Executioner", starring Jo Jae-hyun and Yoon Kye-sang, came in second place with 166,074 viewers over the weekend while "The Time Traveler's Wife" stepped down a spot from the previous week to take third place with 158,650 viewers over the same period.

Another Korean flick "Penthouse Elephant", starring Jang Hyuk, stood at No. 4 with 78,731 viewers on its first week of opening.

Quentin Tarantino and Brad Pitt vehicle "The Inglourious Bastards" rounded out the top five with 76,551 viewers for the weekend.
Three more Korean movies -- "My Love, Ugly Duckling", "Kill Me" and "Paju" --were included in the top ten.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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