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It is cliche trying to create a melodrama with two lead actors who kiss each other after falling in love at first sight under no particular logic. And an action drama could easily be said it was made only for the action in itself if the actor were to figure out where the acts of terrorism are aimed at through pure instinct. But what if actor Lee Byung-hun and actress Kim Tae-hee were the kissers? And the action mixes a decent amount of satellite technology in its fighting and pursuit scenes, and sharpshooting with guarding?

The second episode of KBS TV series "Iris" clearly revealed what the drama was shooting at. Not long into the start of the second episode, Kim Hyun-joon (played by Lee) and Jin Sa-woo (Jung Jun-ho) become official secret agents. Then two-thirds in, they stop a presidential candidate from getting killed by a sniper. And in the meantime, love sparks go off between Kim and Choi Seung-hee (played by Kim Tae-hee). The fast pace conceals the triteness of the story and strongly eye-catching scenes fill in the holes. The top stars continuously kiss or do action scenes where the pursuit for a terrorist will cover all of downtown Seoul. Too add on, alternating close-up and full shots of Kim and Choi during even their shortest conversations give the scene a TV commercial-like feeling. Who cares if a sniper is donning a suit in a club which has rustic graffiti on the wall when that killer is boy band Big Bang member TOP.

"Iris" whips through its cliche storyline as if protecting itself rather than trying to forcefully come up with an explanation for its trite storyline. It instead also approaches the audience with the appeal that it contains "elements not easily seen in dramas" by doing its best to maximize its strengths. "Iris" might not be the TV version of film "Swiri" or "Bourne Ultimatum" but rather the TV version of hit summer disaster film "Haeundae". The drama may be conventional and loosely-structured in parts but it contains many top actors and attractive scenes. Of course, "Iris" cannot sustain itself in such a way till the end. It will need a real story for its 'mission' after it finishes securing popularity with its typical storyline. Does this drama, so far seemingly moving forward with its plain plot as if acknowledging its plainness, have a plan in mind?

Senior Reporter : Kang Myoung-Seok two@10asia.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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