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Actress Ko Hyun-jung’s skincare book selling fast

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Actress Ko Hyun-jung signs autographs during the book publishing ceremony on April 29, 2011. [Pure Company]

Actress Ko Hyun-jung signs autographs during the book publishing ceremony on April 29, 2011. [Pure Company]

원본보기 아이콘

Actress Ko Hyun-jung’s book on skincare is selling fast, seeing all copies of its first edition sell out in just two days of going on sale, according to the book’s promoter Pure Company on Tuesday.

A press release by Pure said that the book titled “Ko Hyun-jung’s Texture” (translated title) which went on sale last Friday, saw all 30,000 copies sell and came in at third place on the online bestseller list of Kyobo Bookstore as of today.
The 40-year-old actress has always been admired for her youthful appearance, largely attributable to her young and healthy skin which has made fans wonder about her beauty secrets.

The book, arranged in the format of a documentary, contains both Ko’s own view on beauty classified under six themes -- texture, color, light, line, formality and scent -- and a six month-long observation of Ko from another writer who described the details to the actress's everyday life.

Ko, who started out in the entertainment industry as a former Miss Korea runner-up in 1989, rose to stardom after starring in 1995 smash hit TV series "Hourglass."
She has been one of the most sought-after actresses in the country since and reaffirmed her reputation in 2009 after playing a royal concubine in MBC historical TV series "Queen Seondeok" which reached ratings of over 40 percent and won her the highest award at the MBC's Drama Awards.

The following year she repeated the feat by winning the top prize at the 2010 SBS Drama Awards, after starring as a female president in the drama “The President.”

Actress Ko Hyun-jung looking around the show room that replicated her own room at home on Friday, April 29, 2011 [Pure Company]

Actress Ko Hyun-jung looking around the show room that replicated her own room at home on Friday, April 29, 2011 [Pure Company]

원본보기 아이콘

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Reporter: Heidi Kim heidikim@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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