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Cho Seung-woo set on starring in "Jekyll & Hyde" since '09

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Actor Cho Seung-woo speaks during a press conference for musical "Jekyll & Hyde" held at the Lotte Hotel in Jamsil of Seoul, South Korea on October 25, 2010. [Park Sung-ki/Asia Economic Daily]

Actor Cho Seung-woo speaks during a press conference for musical "Jekyll & Hyde" held at the Lotte Hotel in Jamsil of Seoul, South Korea on October 25, 2010. [Park Sung-ki/Asia Economic Daily]

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Korean actor Cho Seung-woo, who has been cast in musical "Jekyll & Hyde" immediately after his discharge from the military, has said he actually made the decision last year.

The actor made the remark during a press conference for the musical "Jekyll & Hyde," while explaining how he became part of the upcoming production.
"I met with Shin Chun-soo [CEO of OD Musical Company] in April 2009 during my first one-day leave and told him that I would take the part in the musical," the actor said.

"I just didn't want the news to spread since I was still serving my duty so I was baffled when the news broke out right before I was discharged," he added.

Since earlier this year, reports had said that Cho was cast for "Jekyll & Hyde" due to his acquaintance with Shin since the musical's premiere in 2004.
"I would like to take part in the show's Asia tour were it to happen," Cho also remarked. OD Company has stated before that the show plans to go on tour in Asia starting this year.

Meanwhile, when asked what he wants to do the most since he is now discharged from the military, the actor answered "dating."

"What I really want to do the most is start dating. I was on the verge of starting a relationship while serving my duty but it didn't work out," said Cho, emphasizing once again that he wants to be in love.

Cho, 30, is one of the most popular actors in Korea who has appeared in numerous movies since his debut in 1999. He rose to stardom with his role "The Classic" (2003) alongside actress Son Ye-jin, "Marathon" and "Tazza: The High Rollers."

He has also led a successful career in musicals, starring in famous productions such as "Carmen," "Rent" and "Hedwig and the Angry Inch."

"Jekyll & Hyde" will open at the Charlotte Theater located in Jamsil, Seoul on November 11.

Reporter : Kang Seung-hun tarophine@
Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@

<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>


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