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B.A.P's 1st Baby Day - Part. 2

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Zelo sings "Never Give Up" during the group's first fan club inauguration day titled "1st BABY DAY," at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

Zelo sings "Never Give Up" during the group's first fan club inauguration day titled "1st BABY DAY," at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

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B.A.P's "1st Baby Day" has kicked into high gear with each member's individual performance.

Zelo and Bang Yong-guk, who are also the members of B.A.P's sub-unit duo Bang & Zelo, got off to a grand start with some critical messages about Korean school system, making their fans so thrilled to the two. With great energy, they performed "Never Give Up," which was rearranged into a hard-core metal version. An American fan who was about to leave the venue after the concert put it "freakishly cool."
According to the group's agency, about 4,000 people attended the event and 400 of them were foreigners who flew all the way to Seoul to see the boys.

Bang Yong-guk perform "Never Give Up" during the group's first fan club inauguration day titled "1st BABY DAY," at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

Bang Yong-guk perform "Never Give Up" during the group's first fan club inauguration day titled "1st BABY DAY," at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

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Dae-hyun sings Korean ballad group 4Men's "What are you doing?" during the group's first fan club inauguration day titled "1st BABY DAY," at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

Dae-hyun sings Korean ballad group 4Men's "What are you doing?" during the group's first fan club inauguration day titled "1st BABY DAY," at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘

Following after the duo's frantic performance was Dae-hyun's turn. With his soft and beautiful voice he crooned Korean ballad group 4Men's "What are you doing" and the 'babies' sat in rapt attention.
Young-jae sings Korean indie band 10cm's "Hug Me" during the group's first fan club inauguration day titled "1st BABY DAY," at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

Young-jae sings Korean indie band 10cm's "Hug Me" during the group's first fan club inauguration day titled "1st BABY DAY," at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘

Just about when the venue was filled with the romantic atmosphere thanks to Dae-hyun, Young-jae took the stage and heightened the concert mood by singing Korean indie band 10cm's hit song "Hug Me."

Jong-up shows his powerful movements during the group's first fan club inauguration day titled "1st BABY DAY," at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

Jong-up shows his powerful movements during the group's first fan club inauguration day titled "1st BABY DAY," at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘

When Jong-up showed off his strenuous rhythmic dance moves and Him Chan performed PSY's "Gangnam Style," they turned the concert hall into a Friday night club, bringing out the roaring screams of the crowd.

Him Chan shows PSY's horse-riding dance, performing "Gangnam Style" during the group's first fan club inauguration day titled "1st BABY DAY," at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

Him Chan shows PSY's horse-riding dance, performing "Gangnam Style" during the group's first fan club inauguration day titled "1st BABY DAY," at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘

B.A.P members Dae-hyun (left), Bang Yong-guk (second to left), Zelo (third to left), Him Chan (third to right), Young-jae (second to right) and Jong-up (right) stand together at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

B.A.P members Dae-hyun (left), Bang Yong-guk (second to left), Zelo (third to left), Him Chan (third to right), Young-jae (second to right) and Jong-up (right) stand together at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘

B.A.P members Zelo (left), Dae-hyun (second to left), Bang Yong-guk (third to left), Young-jae (third to right), Him Chan (second to right) and Jong-up (right) perform "Crush" during the group's first fan club inauguration day titled "1st BABY DAY," held at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

B.A.P members Zelo (left), Dae-hyun (second to left), Bang Yong-guk (third to left), Young-jae (third to right), Him Chan (second to right) and Jong-up (right) perform "Crush" during the group's first fan club inauguration day titled "1st BABY DAY," held at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘

The two-hour long event went off on a high note as all members appeared on the stage to sing their hit song "Crush."

B.A.P, who just broke into the music scene this year, has already had a lot on their plate including topping some music charts in Taiwan and Germany. On the night of "1st Baby Day," it was clear once again the boys are prepared to become one of the acclaimed groups in the K-pop scene.

B.A.P's 4,000 fans cheer for B.A.P during the group's first fan club inauguration day titled "1st BABY DAY," held at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

B.A.P's 4,000 fans cheer for B.A.P during the group's first fan club inauguration day titled "1st BABY DAY," held at Seoul's Korea University Hwajeong Gymnasium in Korea on October 28, 2012. [Brandon Chae/10Asia]

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