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“DON’T HATE ME” Turns Out to be Epik High’s New Title Track

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Epik High members DJ Tukutz (left), Tablo (center) and Mithra Jin (right) pose together in the cover photo of their seventh studio album "99," set to become available online on October 19, 2012. [YG Entertainment]

Epik High members DJ Tukutz (left), Tablo (center) and Mithra Jin (right) pose together in the cover photo of their seventh studio album "99," set to become available online on October 19, 2012. [YG Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

PSY and Big Bang member Seungri’s mysterious sign board has turned out to be a hint for one of Epik High’s double title tracks.

YG Entertainment's teasers including the phrase "DON'T HATE ME," which has been raising the questions of YG's fans the past week, was a surprise project to hint on Epik High's new title tune.
According tot he firm's press release sent this morning, "Gangnam Style" sensation PSY had proposed the fun idea for "DON'T HATE ME." The tune is one of the title tracks off the hip-hop group's seventh full-length album "99," due out online on October 19.

"99" has three hidden meaning meanings behind: the members' favorite number; the number of singles listed in the record; and Epik High's message to tell people their music will always stand with the 99 percent.

Adding another strong female vocalist to their new effort after Lee Hi, the trio's another title tune "UP" features 2NE1's Park Bom. "It's Cold," Epik High's collaboration with Lee Hi, was unveiled last week and had topped major online music charts on the day of the release.
As expected, Tablo produced the album himself and critics say it is expected to be one of the most anticipated records this year thanks to their unique style of lyrics and sophisticated sounds.

Epik High-consisted of Tablo, Mithra Jin and DJ Tukutz--is set to give their first live performance at “EPIK HIGH 99 Club LIVE,” the live music event that will stream line on Naver Music, on October 24, 8 p.m. KST.

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