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T-ara plans 1st Japan arena tour

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T-ara members Qri (top left), Soyeon (top second to left), Hyomin (top second to right), Areum (top right), Hwa-young (bottom left), Ji-yeon (bottom second to left), Eunjung (bottom second to right), and Boram (bottom right) on the cover of their latest mini album "Day By Day" [Core Contents Media]

T-ara members Qri (top left), Soyeon (top second to left), Hyomin (top second to right), Areum (top right), Hwa-young (bottom left), Ji-yeon (bottom second to left), Eunjung (bottom second to right), and Boram (bottom right) on the cover of their latest mini album "Day By Day" [Core Contents Media]

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Korean girl group T-ara is getting ready for their first arena tour in Japan, despite the turmoil after Core Contents Media cancelled their contract with youngest member Hwa-young.

Core Contents Media said in a press release Thursday that T-ara is on course in preparing for their arena tour in Japan next year, working together with their Japanese agency EMI JAPAN and J-ROCK.
The “Lovey-Dovey” singers are hoping that they will overcome the most serious crisis [referring to their situation with regarding Hwa-young's drop out] since the group’s debut and return to their normal activities as a group and as individuals.

"In order to get past this situation, the members of T-ara will have time for self-restraint and self-reflection. And the girls will work hard to perform their best in order to return their fans' support," a Core Contents rep was quoted as saying.

The official also added that the eight-member group, plus two new faces Dani and Areum, will release their new Japanese single “Sexy Love” in October.
T-ara first made their debut as a six member group in 2009. In July 2011, Core Contents Media announced that there will be a refreshment in the lineup and Hwa-young joined in December that year.

T-ara is now on the receiving end of an angry backlash from the public including TV producers and advertisers for the group's agency, Core Contents Media, pushing member Hwa-young out of the group.

The girls have since wrapped up their nationwide Japan tour, which kicked off in June, while members Soyeon will appear in KBS' "Lovers of Haeundae," Eunjung in SBS' "Five Fingers" and Hyomin in MBC's "The 1,000th Man" (all translated titles).

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