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Nam Gyu-ri reveals snippets of upcoming one-act drama

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Photos of Nam Gyu-ri on the set of "A Killer Barber" (translated title) [Eyagi Entertainment]

Photos of Nam Gyu-ri on the set of "A Killer Barber" (translated title) [Eyagi Entertainment]

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Korean actress Nam Gyu-ri has revealed a sneak peak of her new KBS’ one-act drama.

In the photos provided by her agency Eyagi Entertainment Tuesday, Nam is seen reading the drama script and worn out from hard practice during the shooting of "A Killer Barber" (translated title),
In another picture released by the firm, the actress is waiting for the direction while trying to keep her focus on her character named Mija.

The broadcaster’s mystery comedy, which will hit the airwaves on July 22, tells the story of Mija living with a professional killer (played by Park Sung-ung) who is disguised as a barber.

As she gets chased by a private moneylender. she finds the killer, or barber, to get rid of the moneylender following after her.
Helmed by director Lee Jeong-sub of ““Bread, Love and Dreams” (KBS, 2010) and "Glory Jane" (KBS, 2011), "A Killer Barber" is already packed with brilliant supporting actors such as Cho Dal Hwan and Lee Chul-min.

The officials said the actress headed to Busan to tape KBS' "Lovers of Haeundae" (translated title) after the shooting the TV special.

In the forthcoming Monday and Tuesday series, Nam will play the finance of actor Jung Suk-won's character, alongside actress Cho Yeo-jung and actor Kim Kang-woo.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>


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