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A-JAX to unleash 2nd digital single this week

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Cover to A-JAX's 2nd digital single "HOT GAME" (top) and a still shot of KARA's Nicole in "HOT GAME" music video [DSP Media]

Cover to A-JAX's 2nd digital single "HOT GAME" (top) and a still shot of KARA's Nicole in "HOT GAME" music video [DSP Media]

원본보기 아이콘

Rookie male idol group A-JAX will unleash a new digital single this week, according to their agency DSP Media's press release Tuesday.

A-JAX's second digital single "HOT GAME," which sings about playing games in relationships, will become available on music distribution websites including their official YouTube channel on July 11.
The firm also unveiled a still shot of their music video to "HOT GAME," featuring KARA's Nicole as the main female actress in the clip.

A-JAX -- composed of Jae Hyung, Yun Young, Hyo Jun, Sung Min, Hyeong Kon, Seung Yup and Seung Jin -- initially promoted themselves under the team name DSP BOYZ.

In April, the boys unveiled the real team name A-JAX, right before kicking off their official singing activities with their debut single "ONE 4 U" in May.
The group recently finished visiting major cities in Korea to hold a nationwide guerilla concert on a mobile stage truck.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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