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[REVIEW] High Kick 3 - Final Episode

스크랩 글자크기

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"High Kick 3" - Final Episode, MBC Mon-Fri 7:45 p.m.

As if it will continue with another episode tomorrow, "High Kick 3" wrapped up its run with an open-ended conclusion. Except Ji-won, who left the school after all, all the characters inside the series were moving on with their lives smoothly. The ending kept in line with the typical atmosphere that the drama has been pursuing as well. In that sense, last night's episode was an ideal scenario to end the series. Or perhaps, it was an inevitable conclusion of the show. People who try to avoid the reality, like Ji-won (Kim Ji-won) who sleeps whenever she faces a difficult situation, have been at the center of the whole series. Naturally, the concept of time and space had no relation to whatever was happening to the people in the drama, which led to show their daily lives only. Having nothing special in the conclusion, "High Kick 3" left the screen.
From Kim Byung-wook's perspective, life is a tragedy when seen in close-up. "High Kick 3" has been showing the signs of those tragedy in his life throughout each episode. Nae-sang's (Ahn Nae-sang) champagne bottle was broken into pieces, while his new company name sounded more like 'losers.' Ji-won did not look cheerful at all at the end, because the misfortunes and gloominess in her life have been living with her throughout the drama. The characters have gone through numerous changes and they have matured. There were various elements behind each scene that hinted the conclusion. However, the ending that "High Kick 3" chose to go with, downsized the meaning of those hints or gave up providing the viewers a better one. Putting a sudden stop to the relationships inside the story was not a conclusion but a suspension. Ji-suk (Suh Ji-suk) finally met Ha-sun (Park Ha-sun) after a long wait, but the viewers, who have been watching "High Kick 3" for about half a year, did not get to see what they have been waiting for. Isn't this a sad ending or what?

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>


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