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MBC "Infinite Challenge" triumphs on Gaon's singles chart

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Album cover of MBC's "Infinite Challenge" [KT Music]

Album cover of MBC's "Infinite Challenge" [KT Music]

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The collaboration songs from MBC's variety program "Infinite Challenge" have triumphed on the top spots of Gaon's singles chart during the week of July 3 to 9.

On Thursday, Gaon revealed that "I Cheated" by comedian Park Myung-soo and Big Bang member G-Dragon shot up 20 spots to place first, knocking former winner 2NE1 off the chart.
Following behind at No. 2 after jumping up 32 places was "Punk of Apgujeong" by comedian Yoo Jae-suk and singer Lee Juck, and "A Song Only I Can Sing" by singers Gill and Bada rounded out the top three singles during the third week of July.

The aforementioned songs were featured in a special episode of "Infinite Challenge" which focused on a music festival held bi-annually with various guest singers.

Meanwhile, the soundtrack to MBC's TV series "Miss Ripley," starring Park Yuchun and Lee Da-hae, made its debut atop Gaon's albums chart for its first win.
Climbing up nine spots to second place was Kim Hyun-joong's first mini-album "Break Down" and dropping two slots to No. 3 was 2PM's second full-length album "HANDS UP."

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Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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