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Actor Kim Hye-seong to enter military this week

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Korean actor Kim Hye-seong [Namoo Actors]

Korean actor Kim Hye-seong [Namoo Actors]

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Korean actor Kim Hye-seong will enter the army this week as part of fulfilling the country's two-year mandatory military service, according to his agency Namoo Actors on Monday.

Namoo explained that starting June 14, Kim will undergo four weeks of basic training and then carry out his duties as an active-duty soldier for 21 months.
"I want to thank my fans for always showing their support and love for me. I am sad that I will be leaving you for now but I will return as a much better man," Kim was quoted as saying. "I will do my best to not disappoint my fans. I love you all very much!"

Kim made his debut in 2005 as the male lead in the teenage movie "Jeni, Juno." He then became a household name the following year after playing the role of Lee Min-ho in the first season of "High Kick" and starred in KBS' historical drama "The Land of Wind (2008)."

He was also in films "Gangster High (2006)," "Boy Meets Boy (2008)," "71 Into The Fire (2010)" and recently in sports movie "Glove."
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Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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