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Trot singer Yang Ji-won holds mini-concert in Japan

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Trot singer Yang Ji-won [DC Holdings Inc.]

Trot singer Yang Ji-won [DC Holdings Inc.]

원본보기 아이콘

Trot singer Yang Ji-won held a mini-concert in Japan on Wednesday, ahead of his official debut in the country this summer, said DC Holdings Inc., the promoter of Yang’s agency Inwoo Production.

A press release from DC Holdings announced yesterday that 17-year-old Yang held a concert at the Korean Cultural Center in Tokyo attended by his fans, officials from various record companies and media.
Korean-Japanese sumo wrestler Kim Sung-taek (Japanese name Kasugao Katsumasa) was also at the event to root for Yang.

Yang sang to Korean trot songs as well as ballads and several other Japanese songs by many famous composers and lyricists in the country including Maeda Takahiro who wrote lyrics for the famed Japanese diva Amuro Namie.

DC Holdings said that Yang received favorable reviews that day from recording company officials including one from Columbia Records who "marveled at Yang’s musical expression that goes beyond age to cover the parts even adult singers have trouble expressing."
“I practiced very hard for what is my first exclusive stage and tried to show all I have and even more. I am glad it seems to have gone well,” Yang was quoted as saying in the statement.

Yang, set to release his first full-length album in Japan this coming summer, was often regarded as a child prodigy in trot music, debuting at the young age of 13 in 2006 with his first album “Jiwon’s First Story.” He has since released several other albums including Jiwon’s First Journey.”

Singer Yang Ji-won (middle) at Tokyo Korean Cultural Center [DC Holdings Inc.]

Singer Yang Ji-won (middle) at Tokyo Korean Cultural Center [DC Holdings Inc.]

원본보기 아이콘

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Reporter: Heidi Kim heidikim@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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