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2PM releases first regular album

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The much hyped-about boy band 2PM's first regular album "1:59PM" was released on Tuesday.

The album, containing a total of 13 tracks, is composed of seven new songs and six remix versions of songs from their current and former single albums, the group's agency JYP Entertainment (JYPE) said in a press release.
Their producer Park Jin-young wrote and composed their title song "Heartbeat", about a man who cannot accept breaking up with his woman. The song takes on an entirely new format which does not fit into a certain genre or style, experimenting with drum sounds combined with a live full orchestra, with human heartbeat forming the main structure of the song, explained JYPE.

Other new tracks on the album are: "My Heart", "Gimme the light", "Back 2U", "Tired of Waiting" and "Was Crazy About You". The two latter songs were revealed last week while the boy band carried out pre-release promotional activities for their new album.

The remix tracks are of their new title song "Heartbeat" and songs from their previous single albums including "10 out of 10", "Only You", "Again & Again", "I Hate You" and "She Might Come Back".
The band's album will go on sale at offline stores starting November 13, the same day they will be giving their comeback performance at KBS music show "Music Bank."

The formerly seven-member boy band will be returning to the stage for the first time since leader Park Jae-beom quit the group in early September over controversial comments he made about Korea on his MySpace account before his debut.

2PM has been one of the most popular groups in Korea since their debut in September last year.

Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
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