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Han Chae-young to advertise Chinese electronics brand

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Korean actress Han Chae-young has been chosen to advertise for a Chinese electronics brand, according to her agency on Friday.

Han has signed with China's major electronics company BBK to promote its products, BH Entertainment said in a press release.
BBK, one of the biggest companies in China's electronics industry, has hired numerous celebrities to promote their products including Chinese actors Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Steven Chow and Hallyu star Song Hye-kyo.

"She hasn't worked much in China but her popularity in China is higher than expected," an official at BH Entertainment was quoted as saying. "The hit drama 'Delightful Girl Choon-Hyang' scored high ratings when it aired in the country so she is getting a lot of attention as a new Hallyu star."

Han, one of the most popular actresses in South Korea, has appeared in several TV dramas including the smash hit "Boys Over Flower" earlier this year.
She also co-stars with Hallyu star Jang Dong-gun in the film "Good Morning President", the current No. 1 movie in Korea, and will appear in another new movie "Girlfriends", set for release around Christmas.

Reporter : Lim Hye-seon lhsro@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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