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Son Ye-jin not worried over provocative roles

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Actress Son Ye-jin is not worried about her image becoming fixed as a provocative female despite her continued choice in such roles.

The 27-year-old actress made the remark on Wednesday during a press conference for her film tentatively titled "White Knight", where she plays a woman who tries to free herself of her tragic past that her father committed murder 14 years ago.
"It seems that many people think my image has changed but I don't think the role I play is important in choosing a film," said the actress of recently having taken on less of the typically-feminine roles in melodramas, and instead playing characters such as a divorcee or one in an extramarital love affair.

She had most recently won the award for Best Actress at the 2008 Blue Dragon Film Awards for her role as an open-minded married woman in multiple relationships in film "My Wife is Married".

She went onto explain, "I'm not pressured by the roles I take on because us actors are seen for who we are within the film. I haven't ever thought about being misunderstood as actually being like the characters I play."
"Knight", based on Japanese author Keigo Higashino's novel "Byakuyako", is about a former police detective who tries to track down the daughter of a killer and the victim's son.

Critically acclaimed actor Han Suk-kyu of hit Korean film "Swiri" will star as the detective and Ko Soo, making a comeback to the big screen for the first time in four years after completing mandatory military service last year, will play the victim's son.

The thriller pic, helmed jointly by directors Kang Woo-suk and newcomer Park Shin-woo, is set for release on November 19.

Reporter : Ko Kyoung-seok kave@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>



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