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Rain picks Kim Hye-soo as top style icon

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Asian pop sensation Rain said he thinks actress Kim Hye-soo is the top style icon.

The 27-year-old singer and actor made the remark during an interview with the Style Icon Awards Seoul, an event hosted by CJ Media which recognizes a trend and style leader in society, culture and the arts. Rain was handed the Icon of the Year award at the ceremony last year now entering its second year.
"I think Kim is the best star in terms of style because she is always challenging herself and always creates new trends," Rain said of the actress who had recently appeared as a stylish Editor-in-Chief in TV series "Style".

Online and mobile polls are underway to pick the winner of the 2009 Icon of the Year. The ceremony, taking place for five hours on November 11, will be aired lived on cable channels Olive, tvN and XTM.

Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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