[INTERVIEW] Girl group Sistar - Part 1

Sistar [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

Sistar [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘

Sistar, composed of members Hyorin, Soyou, Dasom and Bora, became recognized as the newly rising stars in the idol group scene last year after claiming three trophies at a track an field event for idols late last year and took first place on the music program of a public network with the title track from their third single album. They are loveable because even though they may practice until they are about to drop to the ground and fall on the stage, they do everything they can to make themselves known and are more energetic than the average guy. "10Asia" met with Sistar now into the ninth month of their debut.

10: What's your schedule like these days after wrapping up your activities for your third single album last month?
We go on variety shows and to the orientations for colleges because it's the start of the school year.
Bora: I like those kind of events because we can really have fun with the people there instead of having to pay a lot of attention to the camera. If the audience sit still, I act all cute and ask for them to respond. (laugh)10: Well I'm sure you've performed at all sorts of events. Which was the most interesting?
We went to a sports event for the labor union of a company but I was surprised because there were a lot of men wearing the same shirts and even more because there were actually quite a lot of people who sang along to our songs. The response was amazing!

Bora [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

Bora [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘
10: I think your choreography is always very powerful... it's sort of become your trademark. How is it having to actually dance the moves?
We had rehearsed in high heels even before our debut and we actually hadn't even imagined we'd be able to do kicks in them but we were able to starting from a certain point on so I was very surprised.
Soyou: I've become scared after falling on stage a couple of times. Once, during a pre-recording on SBS' "Inkigayo," I fell backward while doing a kick.
Bora: I think you fall when you're scared. I know because I've fallen several times. (laugh)
Hyolyn: I think it's become a jinx for us. Yesterday, I fell after slipping on the petal of a rose. I turned over at the members of our group after that, but they ignored me. (laugh)
Soyou: I'm most scared when they're blowing soap bubbles onto the stage because it makes the floor slippery. We all get worried when we see them and so do our managers.
Dasom: I don't know, maybe it's because I haven't fallen yet but I love it when there are soap bubbles. Everyone else looks like they're about to cry but I'm the only one with the happy face. (laugh)
Bora: She needs to fall to understand what we're feeling!
Hyolyn: And when you fall, it's embarrassing more than hurting.
Bora: Well, I know because I've fallen a lot before but when you fall really badly... it hurts more. (laugh)

10: Bora, you recently took first place in archery on KBS "Let's Go! Dream Team." How much did you practice? Archery is a sport you can't take on unless you learn it.
About two weeks? I kept getting bruises on my arm in the beginning because the bow would hit my arm but I heard that's how everyone learns the sport. I wasn't thinking I'd do good or bad... I just found it fun once I started to learn it.
Hyolyn: She was very passionate about it. She'd always practice with a rubber band at home as well. Her expression was the same as archers as well. It's very funny when you watch her from close up.
Bora: I was actually worried the day before the shoot because I had gotten into a slump but I kept hitting nine and ten once we actually went into shoot. I ended up winning first place although all I did was think about myself.10: Well for that and other sports, you're called 'athletic idols' but are there any other images you'd like to be remembered for?
I'd like to have the image of being feminine and necessary of protecting! That's why I'm so jealous of Soyou and Dasom's fair skin. I'm born with dark skin so everyone is always telling me I look healthy. (laugh) I mean, I also like the image of being athletic.

Soyou [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

Soyou [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘
10: Hyolin, you took first place on the auditioning segment of MBC's variety show after singing Beyonce's "Listen" from movie "Dream Girls" and got the chance to become the leading member of the cast for musical "Legally Blonde."
I felt that delivering your emotions is the most important thing when it comes to musicals so that's what I focused on doing when I sang "Listen" instead of thinking about the key or beat. I didn't get to star in the musical though because we were busy promoting our album. I'd have to practice a lot for a very long time to pull off 15 songs in a single show so it was impossible for me to do both at the same time. I'm sure I'll another chance some day. (laugh)

10: It's the trend these days for idol singers to appear on MBC's reality show "We Got married." Would any of you want to go on it?
I think we'd all do a good job on it. We're always exclaiming to ourselves whenever we watch the show.
Dasom: Nobody can close their mouths when they're watching that show. They get carried away completely.
Bora: I think 'Khuntoria' couple is the cutest.

10: Then are there people you've thought of that you'd like to be partners with on the show?
Gang Dong-won! (laugh) I think he's the best. He's everyone's heartthrob.
Bora: Song Joong-ki for me! (laugh)
Dasom: I'd like to go on it with Daniel Henney. Or K.will who is at our agency. I like people who are mature and could give advice to me so I'd say K.will is my ideal man when it comes to his heart. He may be 12 years older than me but he's very thoughtful and warm-hearted.
Hyolyn: I think I'll probably get hit if I become a make-believe couple with K.will. I'm always following him around, a complete nuisance, and he tells me to go away everytime. I think he sees me as his younger brother. (laugh)

10: What aspect to yourselves would you like to show through your next album?
I don't think we've ever gone with a really strong look that would remind people of us in one go. And by strong I'm not saying that our clothes will get shorter but strong in the sense that we'll be like female warriors. I'm hoping our songs will become more serious as well.
Dasom: I want to try singing a song like the Pussycat Dolls' "Buttons" which has an Indian vibe to it.
Hyolyn: For me, a really sad song! And maybe another where we're dressed up like dolls. We put on less make-up compared to other singers so I think it would be fun to put on a lot of pretty and fancy make-up like singer Lee Hyori does.
Bora: I just want to try everything! I love trying out new things.
Hyolyn: We're definitely full of the passion to! (laugh)

Reporter : Lee Ga-on, Choi Ji-Eun five@
Photographer : Lee Jin-hyuk eleven@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@, Jang Kyung-Jin three@

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