Andre Kim admitted to hospital for pneumonia

Korean fashion designer Andre Kim is currently staying in the hospital to receive treatment for pneumonia, not a colon-related illness as reported earlier this morning.

"He recently had a hard time with a cold and it overlapped with overwork... He was diagnosed with pneumonia," a source related to the designer told Asia Economic Daily over the phone Thursday morning. "It is not a colon-related disease as reported by some media outlets."The source added that Kim's condition has gotten "much better" and that he will soon be checked out of the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) at Seoul National University Hospital.

The 75-year-old designer had undergone surgery for colon cancer in early 2000.

Andre Kim, whose real name is Kim Bong-nam, is one of Korea's most acclaimed fashion designers who presented his first collection in Paris in 1966. Known for his elaborate evening and wedding gowns, he often hires Korea's most famous actors and actresses to walk his runway at local shows.

Reporter : Park Kun-ouc kun1112@
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@
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