Girls' Generation to officially kick off Japan singing career

Korean pop princesses Girls' Generation will kick off their singing career in Japan starting August, according to their agency SM Entertainment on Friday.

SM announced in a press release that the girls will hold a showcase at the 10,000-seat Ariake Colosseum in Tokyo on August 25 which will mark their official debut in Japan.The following month, the female idol group will also be releasing their debut single album under NAYUTAWAVE RECORDS, the most influential label company affiliated with the prestigious Universal Music Japan.

NAYUTAWAVE is in charge of managing popular Japanese bands such as the million seller DREAMS COME TRUE and Greeeen, a pop and rock vocal group, who were listed in the Guiness Book of World Records for their single "Kiseki" receiving the most downloads.

Before the release of their debut album, the girls on August 11 will also release a DVD which includes their hits and music video.Girls' Generation, who began their musical career in 2007, have numerous No. 1 singles under their belt including, "Girls' Generation," "Gee," "Tell Me Your Wish" and “Run Devil Run.”

They have traveled to several countries in Asia including China, Shanghai and Thailand for their "1st ASIA TOUR CONCERT - Into the New World."

The group recently released their first-ever pictorial booklet on Monday featuring photographs taken of the girls in Tokyo late last year.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
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