[INTERVIEW] Actor and model Choi Ji-ho

Interview with actor and model Choi Ji-ho

My name is Choi Ji-ho.
I was born on November 25, 1980. I am 30 years old. I'm not really concerned with age because my goal in life is to live in an immature way. I think it’s just best to just go with the flow without making any mistakes.
I majored in taekwondo at Yongin University but I started doing sports when I was in middle school because it was the only way to get into college without studying. Once I was accepted I told my parents, 'Since I made it into a university, I'm going to do whatever I want.'
The movie "Antique" shows how I hang out in my everyday life. I felt very comfortable because I was already close with actors Joo Ji-hoon and Kim Jae-wook. The only difference was that there was a camera while we were hanging out.
I'm cute in some ways and also a bit foolish which is most closest to the role of Soo-young that I played in "Antique."
Musicals are a composite form of art but it's been a long time since I've given up on dancing. (laugh) I have done some crazy dancing in the musical "Singles" but there will be problems if I continue to dance.
A while back I saw a review which read 'He can't sing and act and it's not like he's supposed to be shooting a pictorial.' I've been thinking how great it would be to do well in both singing and acting but if that becomes difficult, I'm going to place my bet on acting. I'm not great at it but I've thought about how I want to be immersed in each situation I am put in.
A few days ago, I had a drink with Choi Soo-hyung who I've been working with for the musical. He may seem like a macho but he is actually an introverted person. He doesn't speak a lot, to the point where it's already been two to three weeks since we have been rehearsing but he still hasn't said much. (laugh) But after we began doing the shows he would be the first one to call. We are currently in the process of becoming pretty close.
I don't drink too well but I really like going out to drink. I'm into raw rice wine (makgeolli) these days.
Choi Ji-ho's 'him' (Richard) hates 'me' (Nathan). He regards Nathan as nothing more than his 'lackey.' At first it was hard to grasp Richard's character but after approaching it with the thought that I'm using Nathan, my character seemed more persuasive for me too which made it easier for me to play.
I've made a couple of mistakes because of the typewriter. My finger got caught in the keyboard once and I couldn't get it out so I've been typing with just two fingers because I don't want to make that mistake anymore. I also ripped up and ate the contract that was written for Nathan and myself because I was got so nervous while doing the first show.
I would like to try getting into a fight with the Nathan played by actor Kim Jae-beom. Kim is very particular about the details when he acts -- from his glare to his gestures -- so I think Richard would go crazy if he ever met a Nathan like that. They each have their unique appeal but I would like to try playing my role against his because of his style of acting.
The thing that is so appealing about this genre is that the whole play becomes different if you lose your concentration for a split second once the performance begins. One's physical state can have a big influence on this genre and I felt the importance of [self-] management because "Thrill Me" is such a intricate production.
I have filmed a movie tentatively titled "Troubleshooter" alongside actors Sul Kyoung-gu, Oh Dal-soo and Joo Jin-mo. It's an action film for men and I play the role of the detective for the evil side. I don't have a big role in it but it helped a lot just getting to work with those actors.

Reporter : Jang Kyung-Jin three@
Photographer : Chae ki-won ten@
Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@
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