[INTERVIEW] Girl group f(x) - Part 2

10: How did it feel performing at the Dream Concert? It's Korean culture for fans to cheer for their favorite singer by waving balloons.
Uh, there are many fan clubs. I thought a lot about whether other fan clubs would like us too but I'm really happy because they've received us warmly. (laugh)
Krystal: They all rooted for us a lot. I was very nervous.

10: Someone shot a video of you and your sister Jessica of Girls' Generation holding hands at the Dream Concert. What did she say to you?
Oh her? Nothing. She just held my hand and kept waving to people. So I was like, "Ah, what?", "Oh okay okay," and kept waving my hand. (laugh)10: You've also appeared on KBS sports show "Let's Go! Dream Team Season 2" and SBS' "Star King." What did you talk about then?
"Star King" was my first variety show appearance and I got to go on it with my sister. I was relieved to have her next to me because I didn't know what variety shows were about. She had had a lot of experience on them. And she would cover for me if I made a mistake. And I really did make a lot of mistakes, fumbling with my words, but she spoke for me so people said, "You must feel reassured. We saw her [Jessica] just as a young person but look at how she takes care of her younger sister." It felt great.

10: I think you've established yourself as a character that makes mistakes on "Star King." You're funny when you copy workout motions.
Oh, that. (laugh) I actually thought I was doing great. But people looked at me weird. So I wondered why but I realized later on that I had acted funny.

10: I noticed earlier on that you mind too much about your looks -- you don't try too hard to look pretty in photographs and you didn't care about where you sit.
She's really easy-going.
Krystal: I'm just like that. It was actually the first time I tried high jumping. But Minho [of SHINee] told me what I should do, I did, and it worked. And I like to run. I don't think about anything else other than the fact that I should run fast. (laugh)10: Krystal, you look very different from how you look now when you tie your hair back and remove your make-up. Actress Kim Na-woon said on KBS quiz show "Star Golden Bell" that you look "pure."
I like both because I want to show a variety of sides to me. But I think I prefer more of the natural look. Even with my hair, I like to go out while leaving it more natural instead of having my stylist have every piece of hair in place.

10: There are many segments in "Star Golden Bell" which involve using the Korean language. Isn't it difficult for Victoria and Amber?
Everytime she [Krystal] gives the right answer, a question is tossed to me and Victoria so I kept mumbling "Please don't ask me, don't ask me." (laugh)
Krystal: How would they answer questions that even we can't answer?(laugh)
Victoria: When Krystal gives a wrong answer, she says she's sorry to me but I tell her it's no problem at all since I don't know the answer either. (laugh)
Krystal: The writer for the show told me that the other members of my group would not be caught on camera if I keep giving the wrong answers but I wasn't able to get any of them right.
Victoria: I can't answer them properly either. (laugh) But I learned a lot on "Star Golden Bell." Like words I didn't know and things about the culture.

10: Luna, your reaction was great on "Star Golden Bell." You laugh out very loud.
No. (laugh) I really don't pay much attention to the camera. I just get so immersed into what's going on around me. But I noticed that I'm always the only one that's laughing. Laughing out loud used to be my complex. But I guess my reaction is so large that I seem like a member of the audience.

10: You appeared on SBS variety show "Game of Truth" in the past.
Ah... [slumps over]

10: Oh, don't worry, I won't talk about the wave moves you showed back then. (laugh) I don't talk about what I already have in the past. You had appeared on "Game of Truth" as a regular person in the past so how is it seeing young children like you on "Star King" these days?
It reminds me a lot about my past. I had gone on that show with the dream that I want to become a singer. So it leads me to think that those people who go on the stage of "Star King" must have the same thoughts that I had in the past and that they are probably working extremely hard to achieve their dream. It has even more significance for me because both shows are recorded on the same set. I remind myself a lot that I should not forget about the determination I had when I first started out in this business.

10: I was shocked seeing you sing Koreana's "Victory" on "Star King." You belted out the high-pitched song from start to finish.
I had actually heard that song for the first time for that show. (laugh) There weren't supposed to be any high pitches but the flutist gave me the idea so I sang it like that.

Reporter : Choi Ji-Eun five@, Lee Ga-on
Senior Reporter : Kang Myoung-Seok two@
Photographer : Lee Jin-hyuk eleven@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@, Lee Ji-Hye seven@
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