Kim Ji-suk enters Korean military today

Korean actor Kim Ji-suk entered the Korean army today as part of fulfilling the country's mandatory two-year military services.

Speaking to a group of reporters and fans in front of Nonsan training camp on Monday, Kim remarked that actor Jang Hyuk, his co-star in the recent hit drama "The Slave Hunters", had told him that he "will be the first to visit [Kim] in the military.""He has been to the military already so he gave me a lot of advice," the actor said. "Jang Hyuk even told me I should try serving at the front lines [near the two Korea's Military Demarcation Line]."

The actor appeared determined to face his forthcoming military days, commenting that he will work hard as if he is "shooting a blockbuster solider film that takes two years to shoot," and hinted that he wants to play a very masculine character when he returns to acting after discharge.

He also apologized for making a big deal of his military entrance, referring to the media hype that had been created during the weeks leading up to today. Kim Ji-suk, whose real name is Kim Bo-suk, has appeared in many television dramas and films including the "The Slave Hunters" (KBS2, 2010), "Personal Taste" (MBC, 2010) and sports flick "Take Off" (2009).

Photographer : Park Sung-Ki musictok@
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@
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