Director Im Sang-soo "won't be too surprised by Cannes win"

Korean filmmaker Im Sang-soo, whose film "The Housemaid" is in competition at the Cannes Film Festival this year, has said he will not be "too surprised" if his film wins an award.

Speaking at a press conference with Korean reporters held May 15 (France time) at Residence Hotel in Cannes, the director talked about his first-ever nomination and potential to win at the prestigious film fest."As a nominee, I do want to win, to be honest," the filmmaker explained. "But if I do win, I may be surprised but I don't think I will be too surprised. Even if I don't win this time, I think there will be more opportunities in the future."

Veteran Korean actress Yoon Yeo-jung, who was sitting next to him, remarked to his last comment, "Director Im, I told you not to say that. Just say 'It is an honor', 'Thank you.'"

When asked if he had read reviews of the film by the foreign press, he answered "Not yet. All I know is that I am receiving a warmer response here than in Korea.""At the gala screening, people's wrists must have hurt when they clapped that long and I felt like I was receiving encouragement. I think I had been thirsty for it in Korea. For people like us, who live off of other people's support, the people at Cannes sure did encourage us."

Im also clarified any misunderstandings about his previous remark, when he said he was "gloating about coming to Cannes" at a press conference on May 14.

"I signed a contract with a French film production company and wrote the script while staying in Paris for two years," the director explained. "But the project got flopped and I had to come back [to Korea] because I couldn't find another producer for the film. So I meant that I was gloating over the former producer."

"For a director like me, who walks the line between commercial and artistic films, coming to an event like this is not just an honor but it helps me with the movies I'll make in the future. It's not like me or my work is going to change just because I came to Cannes. But I do hope that the viewers, producers and investors change just a little."

"The Housemaid," starring Cannes' best actresses winner Jeon Do-youn as the title character, is a story about a young maid who comes to work for a wealthy couple and starts having an affair with the husband. The film, a modern adaptation of an old Korean classic, opened in Korea last Thursday.

The winner of Palme d'Or, Cannes' top prize, will be announced at the closing ceremony on May 23.

Reporter : Ko Kyoung-seok kave@
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@
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