Rain's album release postponed to April 7

The release date for Asian pop sensation Rain's new album, originally due out tomorrow, has been delayed to April 7, according to the singer's agency on Wednesday.

"He was supposed to start promoting his album by giving his comeback performances on music shows this week but they have been cancelled so we put off the release date to next week," an official at J.Tune Entertainment told Asia Economic Daily over the phone.All three of Korea's public networks have cancelled or delayed the airing of most of their entertainment shows this week following the sinking of South Korea's naval ship Cheonan late on March 26.

The country has been in a state of grievance after a mysterious explosion tore apart the vessel, leaving 46 sailors missing or thought to be trapped inside the warship now sitting 40 meters under water. Fifty-eight crew members, including the captain, have been rescued so far.

Meanwhile, "Love Song," the title track to Rain's special album "BACK TO BASICS" unveiled yesterday, is currently topping the music charts of several online music providers and major social networking websites.The song, released yesterday, is about a man's unforgotten love for his woman even though they are separated.

"BASIC" marks Rain's comeback to the Korean pop music scene in two years after releasing his last studio album "Rainism" in 2008.

Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
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