Wonder Girls, Park Jin-young to appear on "Golden Fishery"

Korean pop sensation the Wonder Girls and their producer Park Jin-young are set to appear on MBC's talkshow "Golden Fishery" this week, according to the broadcaster on Monday.

"They finished shooting for the show last week, talking about their experience in the United States," an official at MBC told 10Asia over the phone.The five-member pop group, who had left Korea seven months ago to expand their career into the U.S., has been in Korea since two weeks ago to shoot commercials and attend a concert in China.

Their U.S. debut single "Nobody" entered the Billboard Hot100 at No. 76 for the week of October 24, making it the first time for a Korean artist to be placed on the chart in its 115-year history.

The five-member girl band, who debuted in Korea in 2007, is one of the most successful pop groups in the country with three consecutive No. 1 singles, "Tell Me", "So Hot", and "Nobody".Park is also founder and CEO of the girls' management agency JYP Entertainment which also manages popular boy band 2PM.

Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
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