U-Kiss Dongho says shaved armpits for girl disguise in sitcom

U-Kiss Dongho attends the press conference for MBC every1 sitcom "Real School" held at Gyeonggi English Village in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea on January 4, 2011. [Lee Ki-bum/Asia Economic Daily]

U-Kiss Dongho attends the press conference for MBC every1 sitcom "Real School" held at Gyeonggi English Village in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea on January 4, 2011. [Lee Ki-bum/Asia Economic Daily]

원본보기 아이콘

Boy band U-Kiss member Dongho has said he had his armpit hair removed to act out a scene where he dresses up as a girl in his upcoming sitcom "Real School."

The 16-year-old singer and actor made the remark at a press conference for the show held Tuesday while explaining how he perfected his look as a woman as seen in a still image recently released by the cable broadcaster."I shaved off the hair on my armpits to dress up like that but it has started to grow back again, shooting out like sprouts," he said, drawing laughter from the crowd.

In "Real School," about teenagers attending a legendary school known to improve its students' English skills drastically even though it is in Korea, Dongho plays a conceited and arrogant student raised in a family that is well off.

It will not be his first try at acting -- he has appeared in a movie and couple dramas since making his debut as a member of U-Kiss (Ubiquitous Korean International Super Star) in September 2008. "Real School" will also feature several other idol singers including Choshinsung member Kwangsu and U-Kiss members Kiseop and Eli.

The sitcom will premiere on January 10 and go on air on weekdays at 4:30 p.m.

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Reporter : Cho Bum-ja anju1015@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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