SBS "Giant" dominates weekly TV chart for 8th week

SBS drama "Giant" [SBS]

SBS drama "Giant" [SBS]

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SBS prime time dramas again claimed the top places on weekly TV charts.

According to data by Total National Multimedia Statistics (TNmS) from November 22 to 28, SBS TV series “Giant” proved its worth once again by coming in first in the weekly chart with the average viewership rating of 30.2 percent, the eighth week the survival story of three siblings has maintained its No.1 spot. KBS2 variety show “Happy Sunday,” composed of popular segments "Two Days and One Night" and "What Makes a Man" came in next with a rating of 25.7 percent, about a two percent improvement from the previous week.

Coming in neck-and-neck was SBS series “The President,” the story of making Korea's first female president, whose average rating stood at 25.6 percent, trailing behind No.2 by just a tenth of a percentile.

Other programs that posted marks in the top 10 of the chart were series “All About Marriage (KBS2)," “Secret Garden (SBS),” “Smile Again (KBS2),” : shows "Gag Concert (KBS2)," “World Changing Quiz (MBC),” “Infinite Challenge (MBC) and the men’s South Korea versus UAE football match for the Guangzhou 16th Asian Games. Separately AGB Nielson Media Research too placed “Giant” on the top of its TV rating chart but with an average rating of 29.9 percent, still slightly short of breaching the 30 percent mark.

“The President” came next with an average score of 26.9 percent followed by “All About Marriage" (25.9 percent,) “Happy Sunday (25.2 percent) “Secret Garden (22.3 percent)” and the same “Guangzhou football match.

One notable change on AGB's rating chart was the sudden emergence of KBS 9 o’clock News which claimed eighth place with an average rating of 17.5 percent, the surge coming from wide coverage of North Korea's unexpected shelling of the South's Yeonpyeong Island on November 23.

Reporter : Heidi Kim heidikim@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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